Letting go of the past

Today I donated a dress.

Wedding Dress the 1st

I could never bring myself to get rid of my wedding dress from my first marriage. In part due to the red wine stain in the front of the skirt (it was a good wedding shindig at a vineyard) meaning it couldn’t really be used as a wedding dress. And also in part as though the marriage didn’t last, it did bring me my son (who is about to leave his teenage years).

Then, about six weeks ago a new friend, Helen did a blog post about donating her wedding dress as a way to de-clutter via the Angel Gowns Program run by the NICU Helping Hands organisation . I had an A-ha moment. My dress has found a place to be. As well, I learnt via the website that the tulle under the silk layer is also going to good use via the Tutu program. I have never gone through the pain of losing a baby but have held the hands of some who have.

At the post office, I had a twinge of emotion as I let go of something as well a simultaneous sensation of release which was so very freeing. I am so glad my dress is going to this cause. It’s been waiting a long time to go to its new place.

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